Adventures > Minginui Waikite Valley

Minginui Waikite Valley

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Route Overview

General Overview

This Adventure was created and personally logged by Ross Bowden. Ross is a keen adventure rider with an extensive knowledge of the remote North Island track network.

The Minginui Waikite Valley adventure departs Taupo and loops back to Taupo on a 251 km route made up of tarmac,and public access gravel roads.

It takes you through Whirinaki Forest, interesting back country gravel roads through farmland and forestry, Minginui, Waikite Valley, and past Lake Ohakuri.

Start/Finish Point

While this Adventure route can be started at any point along the way, it has been structured to start and end at Z Tauhara Taupo, this is where the GPX file for Leg 1 starts.

Terrain includes

This route aims to have as many gravel roads as possible and while there are still a reasonable number of tarmac stretches, the number of gravel roads will please any gravel seeker. All the gravel roads included in this route are Grade 1 and Grade 2.

There are a number of small streams to ford but nothing that poses any challenge when the streams are running at normal flow rates. Most will be running around 2 to 6 inches deep.


251 km.

Max Fuel Leg

130 km.

Travel Time

3.45 hrs.

Access Permission

No permission is needed to access the routes in this Adventure however please note that some of the gravel roads pass through public access easement property. While it is legal to pass through these areas it is important to stick to the road.

Access Limitations

This Adventure is recommended for fine weather. If there has been recent heavy rain then the fords can become deep and the road rutted. On the Waikaremoana road be aware of camper vans, and vehicles towing boats.


While this is not considered a technical route it does include a few semi-remote areas so it is recommended to travel as a group with typical equipment including tools, spares and a PLB or emergency beacon.

Legs in this Adventure

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